Not sure how to use Twitter? Join Twitter by creating an account and signing up at
Once you enter your full name, email and password, click “Sign up for
Twitter” and you will be directed to a page where you choose an
available or recommended username. Next, double-check your information,
click “Create my account” and go to your confirmation email to click on
the link for confirming the account.
After your account has been established, create an identity on Twitter by uploading a photo and header. Include profile information such as your name, location, website and bio. Twitter users (or soon-to-be Twitter followers) can identify or gain a sense of who you are.
Now the fun begins. Develop your Twitter presence and follow accounts that interest you, which can be accounts of friends, family, news organizations, favorite brands, celebrities, public figures and local businesses. Your Twitter homepage will turn into a customized stream of real-time information delivered by your followers. Share your own content and ideas by posting tweets; include hashtags (or keywords following the # symbol) to make your message more shareable and searchable. Replying, retweeting or mentioning another user using the @ symbol in a message will engage you with your followers. Twitter is your global social space and informational broadcasting resource for breaking news, trending topics and interesting dialogue. Keep following and tweeting to exchange ideas and make social discoveries.
After your account has been established, create an identity on Twitter by uploading a photo and header. Include profile information such as your name, location, website and bio. Twitter users (or soon-to-be Twitter followers) can identify or gain a sense of who you are.
Now the fun begins. Develop your Twitter presence and follow accounts that interest you, which can be accounts of friends, family, news organizations, favorite brands, celebrities, public figures and local businesses. Your Twitter homepage will turn into a customized stream of real-time information delivered by your followers. Share your own content and ideas by posting tweets; include hashtags (or keywords following the # symbol) to make your message more shareable and searchable. Replying, retweeting or mentioning another user using the @ symbol in a message will engage you with your followers. Twitter is your global social space and informational broadcasting resource for breaking news, trending topics and interesting dialogue. Keep following and tweeting to exchange ideas and make social discoveries.
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