Monday, September 7, 2015

Mac OS,Windows, and Linux, oh my

 The short and simple of it is that you should probably stick with what you’re familiar with, as it can be hard to adjust to a new operating system unless you’re ready to put in the work. If you know what Linux is, you probably don’t need to read this section. If you don’t know what Linux is, you almost definitely don’t want it. If you want an easy-to-use system that keeps most things basic for you, check out Mac. If you like a little bit more control of your computer’s nitty-gritty, you’ll probably have an easier time getting to do that on Windows. If you’re comfortable with an operating system, stay with it. Though it’s worth noting that not all software is available for every operating system; so, if you absolutely need Final Cut for that feature film you’re shooting on the weekend, don’t buy a Windows computer expecting it to run the Mac software.
ource: Microsoft

Windows 8 Store


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